Golden Pyramide was born in Barcelona in 1998 to enhance inner well-being. With a very clear objective : launch a 100x100 natural Cosmetic Line on the market that would cover the needs of skin care and rejuvenation, and that will also help all its users feel better , implementing in its exquisite cosmetic formulas, Bach flowers and mineral extracts that help to balance and relieve the stress that comes with the daily activity of women and men.

We firmly believe that stress has a direct impact on the image, expression and oxidative deterioration of the skin and all organs of the body. For this reason , at GOLDEN PYRAMIDE, we promote through the products of our Cosmetic and Therapeutic Lines, that people, in addition to staying young and beautiful, can enjoy the added well-being of Bach flowers, essential oils, medicinal plants and minerals. They contribute to our Cosmetics and that with their daily use they make a difference in terms of the daily care that we all need to face everyday life.

During these more than 20 years of experience we have tried to defend, transmit and be faithful to our vision of cosmetics and, we are especially proud that our products are highly valued, appreciated and used by professionals in Spa's and Beauty Centers in Spain, Europe and other territories such as Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong .

Our values

Our cosmetics are 100% vegan : We only use ingredients of plant and mineral origin.

Our cosmetics are 100% natural : Free of toxins, petroleum derivatives, silicones or synthetic substances.

Our cosmetics are 100% sustainable : They do not contain waste that harms the environment nor do they generate waste in their manufacturing.

Our cosmetics are 100% free of animal abuse : We do not test on animals nor do we use active ingredients of animal origin.

Our cosmetics are 100% local : We manufacture our products in Spain and all our suppliers are local.

Our ingredients

Golden Pyramide only offers 100% natural high-end products . Formulas made with the latest advances and discoveries in natural materials to achieve the best results. With the necessary quantities to obtain the desired results. To do this, we always select the best ingredients, among which stand out:

Traditional and unaltered ingredients such as: essential oils , extra virgin vegetable oils , plant and gem extracts.

Latest generation biotechnological ingredients such as plant collagen , high-density hyaluronic acid , plant stem cell stimulators or marine DNA .

Unique formulas that, with their textures and aromas, manage to captivate the senses .

Production processes that do not generate waste , from the growing field to packaging. We produce all our products in Spain.

Our range of products


Our selection of beauty products that fuse oriental tradition and wisdom, with the latest advances in biotechnology . 

Cutting-edge ingredients such as plant stem cells or marine DNA, along with ancestral remedies based on aromatherapy, floral therapy, homeopathy or gem therapy.

Get skin that is as beautiful as it is healthy, with these unique natural cosmetic products on the market. With flowers (according to Dr. Bach method), minerals, gems and precious stones.

A range created to obtain real results on the skin, and inspire your positive energy every day .


This natural well-being range is the result of the passion for aromatherapy, gem therapy and ancient natural remedies , such as: herbs, flowers, gems, traditional methods, etc.

This natural range is intended to improve the feeling of relaxation, emotional well-being, harmony and inner balance .

The Golden Pyramide holistic method understands that the only path to absolute beauty is to complete skin care with balance and inner harmony .