Holly - Holly | Aggression, jealousy


Transcendence and Openness to Love
This remedy is of great help for extremely resentful people, with anger, jealousy, and envy. Desiring revenge.

EMOTIONAL PATTERN: Helps transcend negative feelings of: resentment, hatred, revenge, jealousy, envy and desire for revenge. Behind it is the thought that they want to harm you, and you have to defend yourself.
They are profiles of people who transform love into hostility, envy, jealousy, resentment, hatred, and are characterized by their distrust and desire for revenge.

POSITIVE THINKING FOR THE HOLLY PROFILE: I am going to think about doing to others what I would like them to do to me .

15 ml bottle with dropper | Transcendence and Openness to Love | Bach Flowers | Potency with exclusive combination of mineral essences | Suitable for vegans


Combine as you like with our Bach Flowers, Synergies and Mineral Essences .

7 gotas tres veces al día 

En cada toma, mantener las 7 gotas durante 3 segundos bajo la lengua, para su mejor absorción.

Agua ionizada con: 

  • Infusión solar de Holly
  • Vitis vinífera

Aqua (ionized*/ ionizada*), alcohol ( from grape / de uva), vitis vinifera. * Ilex aquifolium  * Jamsonite