Rock Rose - Heliantemo | paralyzing fear


Emotional Unlocking and Seriousness
This remedy is an effective help for all those people who feel threatened and experience paralyzing panic.

EMOTIONAL PATTERN: Valuable help in critical situations. It provides serenity, calm and emotional well-being, in moments of paralyzing fear, blockages, shocks, despair, nightmares and extreme anguish.

Emotional help in states of blockages and shocks due to bad news, Helps calm the mood in people who become distressed and have tachycardia. Helps improve the “knot in the stomach” feeling.

POSITIVE THINKING FOR THE ROCK ROSE PROFILE: I always feel protected and safe.

15 ml bottle with dropper | Emotional Unlocking and Seriousness | Bach Flowers | Potency with exclusive combination of mineral essences | Suitable for vegans


Combine as you like with our Bach Flowers, Synergies and Mineral Essences .

7 gotas tres veces al día 

En cada toma, mantener las 7 gotas durante 3 segundos bajo la lengua, para su mejor absorción.

Agua ionizada con: 

  • Infusión solar de 
  • Vitis vinífera

Aqua (ionized*/ ionizada*), alcohol ( from grape / de uva), vitis vinifera. * Helianthemum nummularium  * Jamsonite