Vervain - Verbena | Excess enthusiasm


p> Moderation and Respect

This remedy is an effective help for all people who are “fanatics” of their ideas, and want to impose them on others, at all costs.

EMOTIONAL PATTERN: Valuable help that provides moderation to balance overly authoritarian people who believe they are in possession of the truth and want to impose it on others at all costs. This remedy provides moderation, temperance and peace of mind.

Powerful help for irritable and intolerant people. Helps improve nervous tics and nervous tension. It is the profile of the person called “fanatic”

POSITIVE THINKING FOR THE VERBAIN PROFILE: I am respectful and accept the ideas of others.

15 ml bottle with dropper | Moderation and Respect | Bach Flowers | Potency with exclusive combination of mineral essences | Suitable for vegans


Combine as you like with our Bach Flowers, Synergies and Mineral Essences .

7 gotas tres veces al día 

En cada toma, mantener las 7 gotas durante 3 segundos bajo la lengua, para su mejor absorción.

Agua ionizada con: 

  • Infusión solar de Verbain
  • Vitis vinífera

Aqua (ionized*/ ionizada*), alcohol ( from grape / de uva), vitis vinifera. * Verbena officinalis * Jamsonite