Skin care in autumn

With the arrival of autumn our skin finds itself at an impasse in which it is neither subjected to excessive sun nor excessive cold. It is the ideal time to recover the skin from the excesses to which it has been exposed in summer (sun, heat, salt, chlorine, etc.) and prepare it for the coldest months of the year that are approaching as the days get shorter. .

By following a series of simple steps we can keep our skin healthy in autumn and achieve the goal we have set for ourselves of repairing it from the effects of summer and preparing it to mitigate those of winter.


When it comes to daily cleaning, we should opt for short showers with warm water. The relaxing effect of a hot bath is always a temptation and, although we can treat ourselves from time to time, it should be avoided as it can have a harmful effect on our skin in the long run. Subjecting our skin to a prolonged bath will cause it to lose its protective layer and the heat will dehydrate it.

As for the gel to use, it is important that it is neutral , balances the Ph of the skin and does not contain soaps that cause our skin to lose its protective layer of fat. Sanadhi Gel is perfect to apply to our skin care in autumn since its formulation is 100% vegetable , without soaps that drag away the protective layer, which preserves the skin's protective mantle, balancing the Ph with a prebiotic effect. .

Samadhi Gel


Just as important as cleaning the skin is its hydration. To keep the body (and consequently the skin) properly hydrated, you must drink a minimum of one and a half liters of water a day . Likewise, we must apply a series of care to keep the skin hydrated in autumn. After the daily shower with warm water, we will rehydrate the skin by applying cream all over the body while it is still damp.

Golden Pyramide range of emulsions

To hydrate the skin, you have at your disposal our range of emulsions created both to provide the hydration and protection that skin care requires and emotional balance to live better every day.

The skin of the face will be the most exposed to the weather, so it may be necessary to hydrate it using a specific facial cream such as our Firming Moisturizing Facial Cream for normal or sensitive skin.

moisturizing facial cream


As we mentioned previously, the skin of the face is the skin that is most exposed to inclement weather . In autumn this translates into increasingly lower temperatures and increasingly colder air . Therefore, an essential part of skin care in autumn is the nutrition of the facial skin and its repair , if necessary.

The best time to nourish and repair facial skin is at night. The way to do it is by using Facial Creams and Serums that we will apply after having cleansed the skin.

Golden Young Skin Serum

At Golden Pyramide you have at your disposal Serums and Facial Creams formulated with 100% natural products that will help you nourish and repair the skin such as our Nourishing and Repairing Facial Cream with Royal Jelly and Caviar or the Total Energy Oil Golden Young Skin Regenerating Anti-Aging Serum .

Nourishing face cream


The fourth step of this fall skin care routine - although not the least important - is exfoliation. Regularly removing dead cells will make your skin look radiant. With regular exfoliation, you will also achieve better penetration and effect of the rest of the products you use to care for your skin.

Masks are a perfect way to exfoliate your skin. In our natural cosmetic line you can find three different masks: Atlántida Algae Mask , Queen of the Nile Beauty Bath Mask andAztec Chocolatetherapy Mask .

Depending on the effects that the sun and heat have had on your skin during the summer, you may require some more specific treatment. In fact, the appearance of spots on the skin during the summer is quite common and you can treat them with the Energy Oil Golden Glow Skin Energizing Depigmenting Serum . However, as a general rule, by following the 4 simple steps that we have told you about in this post: cleansing, hydration, nutrition and exfoliation, you will have enough to effectively care for your skin in autumn .